Affirmations for Empaths: Embracing Your Empathic Self with Dr. Judith Orloff

We all feel emotions differently, but some of us feel more strongly than others. If you resonate with this, then you may be an empath.

Empaths understand and feel the emotions of others and absorb them as if they were their own. For many people, this gift is a double-edged sword. Thus, it’s important to learn how to deal with this ability in order to fully and unapologetically embrace your empathic self.

In today’s episode of Radically Loved, Rosie speaks with Dr. Judith Orloff about Affirmations for Empaths. She discusses what it means to be an empath and sheds light on how to deal with having an empathic ability. She speaks about the importance of tuning in with the body to help empaths maintain emotional balance. Dr. Judith also shares affirmations that will help empaths embrace themselves comfortably and deal with their abilities with grace.

If you want to learn how to be more comfortable in your own skin as an empath, this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Understand what it means to be an empath.

  2. Discover how to embrace your empathic self.

  1. Learn the importance of saying “no” and honoring limits for empaths.


    Episode Highlights

    [01:30] Affirmations for Empaths

    • Dr. Judith wrote the book as a big believer in affirmations.

    • As a psychiatrist and empath herself, she combined her traditional medical knowledge with her empathic and intuitive abilities.

    • An empath is someone who has a natural connection to nature and other beings. Empaths are very sensitive, open, loving, and intuitive.

    • Empaths tend to be emotional sponges, often prone to sensory overload and exhaustion.

    • They need to learn self-care skills to not take on the struggle of the world.

    [03:47] Empath Survival Guide

    • The foundation book, Empath Survival Guide, contains a 20-question self-assessment test to determine if you’re an empath. 

    • You can be a super strong empath, a moderate empath, or a slight empath.

    • Dealing with being an empath help with calming down your body and emotions.

    [05:28] Tuning into Your Body

    • It’s important to tune into your body multiple times a day so you don’t get stuck in your head worrying.

    • If you don’t listen to your body, you’ll start getting aches and pains without knowing what’s going on.

    • Listen to the simplest signals your body sends you. Take a rest when you feel tired.

    • Repeat your body affirmation at least thrice a day. See how you apply it to your life.

    • Be grateful for your body because you won’t have it forever.

    [08:05] Dr. Judith: “I treat my body with compassion. It knows how to heal swiftly and with ease.” - Click Here to Tweet

    [09:24] Discovering that She’s an Empath

    • Dr. Judith was an only child of two physician parents with 25 physicians in their family. She felt very alone and unseen as a child.

    • She could sense and know things, but she did not receive any positive feedback about it.

    • She ended up with a psychiatrist when she was trying to run from her abilities. He told her to embrace her empathic self. 

    [11:14] How Young Kids Can Embrace Their Empathic Self

    • There’s not enough support for younger empaths.

    • Parents with an empathic child should allow them to just observe social interactions instead of dragging them to participate.

    • Forcing empathic children to “get stronger” does nothing but shame them.

    • Many empaths end up having an addiction to shut it all off. That’s why it’s important for empaths to be comfortable in their own skin.

    • Affirmations are helpful for young empaths.

    [16:03] Creating Quietude and Daily Affirmations

    [16:03] Dr. Judith: “Since I often feel things strongly, I create quietude in my life to balance the intensity with calm.” - Click Here to Tweet

    • Empaths feel things strongly.

    • Creating quietude in your life balances the intensity with the calm.

    • Dr. Judith turns to the book spontaneously and asks for guidance on which affirmation she needs most.

    • One example is, “I deserve to have caring relationships with people who respect my sensitivities.”

    • With that affirmation as an example, look around and see who’s not respecting your sensitivities.

    [20:22] Learn to Say “No” and Honor Your Limits

    • Empaths find it hard to say “no” because they want everyone to be happy. But if you don’t listen to your limits, you’ll be in terrible shape.

    • Take inventory of your energy level daily. Don’t overexert yourself past what’s comfortable for you.

    • Don’t fall into the habit of rushing one thing after another.

    • Practice this when taking breaks: Close your eyes, take a few breaths, come back to your body, and say an affirmation.

    • You can practice saying “no” with a friend. You have to get used to letting people down gently.

    [23:42] Dr. Judith: “You have to get used to letting people down gently. You're not mean when you set a boundary. You're not punishing. You're not angry. You don't want to communicate it that way. You want to just say, ‘I'm so sorry, I love you…’ It's always good to start with the positive.” - Click Here to Tweet

    [27:24] Hurting Other People’s Feelings

    • A lot of empaths fear being honest because they don’t want to hurt people’s feelings.

    • Saying “no” is a necessary part of being an empath.

    • Empaths wear an invisible sign that says, “I can help you.” Everybody knows about it, and you can try to be invisible, but people will still flock to you.

    • If you don’t learn how to say “no,” you will tire of dealing with people.

    [28:01] Dr. Judith: “Empaths wear an invisible sign that says ‘I can help you.’ We walk around, we have a sign hanging down, ‘I can help you.’ And everybody knows — everybody — because they flock to you. You can try to be invisible, and they still come." - Click Here to Tweet

    [31:10] Intuition vs. Fear

    • Intuitions are usually neutral information that either just comes through or comes through with compassion.

    • Intuition is similar to a gut feeling.

    • When you have a lot of fear associated with a problem, it’s best to look through your top five fears.

    • Working with your fears in a different context is part of healing your life.

    [32:28] Dr. Judith: "The top five fears you need to work on in a different context, this is part of healing your life." - Click Here to Tweet

    About Dr. Judith

    Dr. Judith Orloff is a psychiatrist, intuitive healer, and empath who is also known as the "godmother of the empath movement." She is an advocate of total wellness and incorporates traditional medicine with breakthrough knowledge of energy, intuition, and spirituality. Dr. Judith is also the New York Times best-selling author of the book, The Empath’s Survival Guide.

    If you want to connect with Dr. Judith, visit her website.

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    To feeling radically loved,
