How to Care For Your Health and Wellness with Bassima Mroue

"Take care of yourself." We hear this often, and it seems like it should be intuitive, but so many people don't take care of themselves. Some people compromise their health and wellness for other things, such as their careers. Or perhaps they simply don't know what their bodies need.

In today’s episode of Radically Loved, Bassima Mroue talks to Rosie about her wellness journey and how it led to the creation of SkinTē. She also shares tips on how to take care of yourself effectively. Each person's journey is different, whether in health and wellness or entrepreneurship. The key is understanding yourself, what you want and need, and then acting in alignment with all that to achieve optimal health and wellness.

If you’re struggling with your wellness journey and want to learn how to care for your health and wellness, then this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover the benefits of collagen skin tea.

  2. Find out how to prepare yourself before embarking on an entrepreneurial journey. 

  3. Learn how to care for your health and wellness while running a business. 


    Episode Highlights

    [05:17] Discovering Collagen

    • Bassima worked at Nike for 10 years before founding SkinTē.

    • When she had to get back surgery in 2014, her surgeons told her to take collagen. It made a noticeable difference in her skin, hair, and nails.

    • However, Bassima disliked her options: pills, powder, or bone broth.

    • Upon consulting her naturopathic doctor to find better options, they realized many people had the same complaints.

    [07:23] Bassima’s Health and Wellness Journey

    • Bassima had health problems since she was 16, such as cortisol issues and weight gain.

    • She entered the corporate world and had a career at Nike for ten years, but her health started to shut down.

    • Bassima's brand began when her naturopathic doctor, Dr. Bader, gave her recipes until they decided to create a brand with her best friend, Elizabeth.

    • After spending two years in R&D, they created the first collagen sparkling tea.

    • They were intentional when creating their product and ensured it was beautiful, feminine, and had the right ingredients and taste.

    [11:18] How Collagen Works

    • Rituals and consistency are essential. A little collagen every day serves you better than taking a lot every once in a while.

    • The SkinTē team created a modern way to take collagen with herbs that help with emotional support.

    • Consuming between 1500-5000 milligrams of collagen a day for 6 to 12 weeks will show objective results in skin elasticity.

    • SkinTē is Bassima's foundation, and makeup is her expression.

    • Drinking three to four SkinTē is ideal, but drinking several won’t hurt you.

    [11:39] “A little bit every day serves you better than a lot every once in a while.” —Click Here to Tweet This

    [15:06] Bassima’s Entrepreneurial Journey

    • Bassima usually gets asked why she would leave a company like Nike. She replies that she's always had an entrepreneurial bug inside her.

    • Leaving financial security behind and taking a risk was the best thing she ever did because her entrepreneurial journey has been spiritual, emotional, and physical.

    [12:54] “... SkinTē is my foundation, and then makeup is my expression. I want to wear mascara, and I love lipstick, but I want to wear that to express myself versus to cover things up.”—Click Here to Tweet This

    • Despite the tight margins in the beverage industry, it’s the SkinTē team’s heart and their dream to serve and offer something that people need that keeps them going.

    • Bassima doesn’t compromise her health or self-care while running a business.

    • Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey means believing in and loving yourself enough to go out there, take risks, and own the journey.

    [20:10] Making Financial Risks

    • Everyone has a different situation. You'll need to leap toward what you've set your heart on, though everyone will have a varying approach.

    • Bassima was able to take financial risks because she didn't have children.

    • She and her business partners didn't earn anything for two years and did what they could with their savings.

    [18:26] “Being able to embark on an entrepreneurial journey means you also have to have enough faith and love in yourself to get out there and risk it, whether it works or it doesn’t. It’s your journey. Own the journey.” —Click Here to Tweet This

    • Sacrificing her quality of life was worth it for her.

    • We all want to make money, but there’s also freedom in living less financially because you start making different choices and prioritizing things differently.

    [25:16] Preparing Yourself Emotionally

    • Bassima has many friends who have children but are also entrepreneurs.

    • Even if you have financial stability and safety, the entrepreneurial journey isn't for everyone. It requires grit and emotional readiness that not everyone has.

    • The emotions are often in the extremes and rarely mediocre.

    • Entrepreneurship is a journey you put yourself through to grow, then figure out where you land after.

    [21:56] “When you live with less financially, there’s a freedom in that.”—Click Here to Tweet This

    [26:45] How to Take Care of Yourself

    • Getting eight hours of sleep is vital for your health and wellness because that's the only time you heal.

    • Know what your body needs and incorporate it into your self-care routine.

    • As an entrepreneur, practice doing self-care micro-habits. A little bit every day is manageable, realistic, and easily fits into your schedule.

    • Incorporate radical self-love and self-care throughout your day.

    • Gratitude is one of Bassima's best tools whether things go right or wrong.

    [28:03] “Self-care is about what you want. It’s your self-care. It’s not about measuring against other people.”—Click Here to Tweet This

    About Bassima

    Bassima Mroue is the CEO and co-founder of SkinTē, the first collagen sparkling tea positioned at the intersection of beauty, food, and wellness. Starting the brand alongside a naturopathic doctor and a chef, she merged her dynamic professional background as an executive brand strategist with her personal journey to achieve optimal health and wellness.

    Before SkinTē, she was the President of the Sara Blakely Foundation and is currently part of its Board of Directors. She also spent a decade at Nike Inc., working in various roles such as IT, supply chain, and strategy. She believes in women empowerment as embodied by her TEDx Portland talk in 2012 about the power of the "girl effect." She often speaks about female empowerment, entrepreneurship, beauty, and leading with purpose.

    If you want to connect with Bassima, you can reach out to her on Instagram and LinkedIn.

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    To feeling radically loved,


    Apple Summary

    "Take care of yourself." We hear this often, and it seems like it should be intuitive, but so many people don't take care of themselves. Bassima Mroue joins Rosie to talk about her wellness journey and how it led to the creation of SkinTē. She also shares tips on how to take care of yourself effectively. Each person's journey is different, whether in health and wellness or entrepreneurship. The key is understanding yourself, what you want and need, and then acting in alignment with all that to achieve optimal health and wellness.

    If you’re struggling with your wellness journey and want to learn how to care for your health and wellness, then this episode is for you!