Optimize Your Health and Wellness with Mark Effinger

We live in a world that’s always running — there’s always something to change and to be done. At some point, most of us sacrifice our health because we believe we don’t have time for it. Yet, our health and wellness are the backbone of our productivity and happiness. Your health deserves better, it’s time to realize how you can take care of yourself. 

In today's episode, Mark Effinger joins us to share how to optimize your health with basic techniques like diet, sleep, and even how you drink coffee. He also shares the story of his company Nootropics and how supplements and exogenous solutions can further boost our health. Finally, he reminds us that we have the power to change our lives and improve our health. 

If you’re struggling with optimizing your health and wellness, this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover the origin of Nootropics and how exogenous solutions can support and optimize your health. 

  2. Learn how simple techniques can lead you closer to optimum health. 

  3. Realize the importance of embracing uncertainty and your power to change your health. 


    Episode Highlights

    [05:12] Introducing Mark and His Childhood

    • Mark has always been interested in science from a young age. In the full episode, he recounts how he built a radio at the age of five. 

    • He shares how he had mentors who supported his scientific curiosity and inspired him. 

    • As a child, Mark already practiced positive internal dialogue and self-talk. 

    [14:21] How Drugs Affect Us and How Nootropics Started

    • In general, drugs alter our minds and bodies in terms of physiology and neurology. 

    • Mark used weed as early as fifth grade and was able to develop tolerance to THC because of it. 

    • It took time for him to feel like the person he was before he started smoking weed. 

    • When Mark built Nootropics, he wanted a way to detoxify the brain quickly and non-invasively. 

    • Some people do great on marijuana while some people aren’t suited for it. In the full episode, Mark shares his experience playing tennis while on mushrooms. 

    [25:15] Be Careful With Drugs

    • Even with the advantages of using drugs, there are still some potentially negative impacts. 

    • Mark shares that his wife died of an oxycodone overdose. She started the drug while giving a natural birth at home. 

    [27:17] “No matter how bad you think things are, there are people that are waiting for it, one little spark in you, that will, affect them in a positive way or change their lives. So don't exit if you can.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [27:31] Mark’s Trauma Recovery and Support 

    • Mark shares how his incredible team supported him during his wife and daughter’s deaths. 

    • He is driven by his company's mission to provide biological optimization to everyone on earth. His team would meet every week and meditate on the mission. 

    • After the death of his wife, Mark researched intensively into nootropics and how to help people with addiction issues. 

    [34:33] Optimize Your State 

    • Optimizing your mood and state can help you execute ideas better and create success. 

    • For a time, Mark sent samples of nootropics and analyzed its effect on people.

    • Some people need to go through a health crisis before realizing they need to take care of themselves. 

    [39:32] “There is a powerful thing that happens when you take command of your health and wellness. That it's an epiphany…I can fully control the way I feel how my body responds, how my mind works, the level of clarity or bliss I want to have in my life.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [40:55] How to Start Optimizing Your Health 

    [42:01] “If we fix sleep…we're we're way more than 50% of the way to optimum health.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    • If we can fix sleep, we’re more than 50% away from optimum health.

    • Mark also has quarterly checkups with blood, saliva, urine, and even hair analyses. You need to be aware of what’s happening in your body. 

    • Even if you’re eating right, external factors like relationships can have a huge effect on your health. 

    • This is why exogenous solutions are important. For example, you can reach an optimized relaxation state using GABA. 

    • Listen to the full episode to hear more about how you have the power to change your health.  

    [50:32] “The unknown has the greater opportunity. It's got a greater expansion of thought and self, and life. And if I can embrace the fact that that unknown is good, and that unknown is here to support and encourage and fulfill and serve me, then suddenly, it gets much bigger and much better.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [50:54] Embrace Uncertainty

    • Mark shares how letting go of control can lead to things you can’t get otherwise. 

    • When we try to control things, we are limited by our own cognitive limitations.  

    [54:29] “Me trying to control stuff meant that I was putting it into the confines of what my cognitive biases are, what my cognitive limitations are. By relinquishing control and letting the universe play its game…it expanded so far beyond my own belief system, that it opened up this new gateway.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [55:50] The Future of Mental Wellness 

    • Mark believes we’re on the cusp of emerging technologies. 

    • For example, magnetic therapy can now help both in terms of cognition and physical health. 

    • In the full episode, Mark shares the solution college genius which is a mix of mushrooms and collagen. 

    • When you build new neural pathways, it becomes easier to get into the state you want. 

    [1:03:50] How to Use Caffeine

    • Caffeine is used to trick the body into blocking the adenosine receptor, which keeps you at a higher energy level. 

    • However, when the caffeine wears off, there will be a drop.  

    • Wait at least 90 minutes before getting your first cup of coffee. This will improve your wakefulness and avoid the afternoon slump. 

    • In the full episode, Mark and Tessa talk about their favorite music.

    [1:13:09] Mark’s Daily Routine 

    • When Mark wakes up, he has a short gratitude and a 17-22 minute binaural audio meditation to organize his thoughts. 

    • He then takes nootropics based on the activities he’ll have. 

    • After feeding his dog, he’ll do a set or three sets of weights.  

    • In the full episode, Mark also shares his typical diet. 

    [1:21:43] How Mark Feels Radically Loved 

    • Mark recently went on a retreat with his business partner. They would always declare something they want to manifest in these retreats. 

    • Mark wants to be able to love his partner more. He wants people to feel his love. 

    • He went through 4 different kinds of parents and suffer from imposter syndrome. 

    • Mark shares that it’s okay to go through life without being perfect. 

    About Mark

    Mark “Mr. Boots” Effinger is the Co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Nootopia, where he creates the future of experiential nutrition focused on maximizing brainpower, extending performance, and extending life. Mark is also the Chief Product Officer at BiOptimizers and Formulator and Founder of WeNutrients. 

    Mark is a champion of startup founders and raised more than $50 million in Angel and Venture Capital for various startups from software to biochemistry. After the death of his former wife, Mark ventured into creating high-performance experiential nutritional supplements to help people deal with the issues his former wife struggled with. 

    Want to know more about Mark’s supplements? Check out Nootropics.

    You can also connect with him on his websiteLinkedInInstagram, and Twitter

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    To feeling radically loved,
