Overcoming a Limiting Belief through Brave Thinking with Mary Morrissey

Sometimes the biggest obstacle to our success isn’t external. It’s not in our circumstances — it’s within us. A single limiting belief in our mindset can stop us from becoming our best selves.

On this episode of Radically Loved, Mary Morissey reminds us that every person is inherently worthy. By replacing limiting beliefs with expansive thoughts, we can expand and improve our lives. We can create a vision of what we want regardless of our circumstances and realizing that dream. Morissey shares personal stories and experiences to illustrate that changing our dominant thinking pattern is essential to changing our results.

Don’t let a single limiting belief stop you. Listen to this episode to learn how 'brave thinking' mindset helps you create a radically loved life.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn the concept of brave thinking and how it can give you the courage to act regardless of your circumstances.

  2. Discover the key to finding fulfillment in life.

  3. Find out how to overcome limiting beliefs and change your dominant thinking pattern.


Episode Highlights

[02:40] Mary’s Inner Transformation

  • Mary had a rough start in life. She had a teenage pregnancy and fatal kidney disease.

  • She met a chaplain who showed her the path to positive thinking through prayer.

[17:16] Mary Morrissey: “Brave thinking is courage, and it's exactly the right word for it. It takes courage to think and live from a vision, regardless of the circumstances, situations or conditions.” - Click Here To Tweet This

  • She realized that her toxic mindset was part of what was making her life difficult. Her meeting with the chaplain was a transformative experience.

[18:36] Mindset Shift Away from Limiting Belief

  • Changing her mindset helped Mary create success in her life.

[21:31] Mary Morrissey: “The source of the experience we're having isn't out there, it's in here. But it's a challenge to see it without some support.” - Click Here to Tweet This

  • Having a mentor also helped. Mary’s mentor, Jack Boland, taught her that her circumstances were not the sole reason for her lack of success in life.

  • That lesson helped push Mary to create a life she loved.

[24:41] Finding Bliss to Overcome Limiting Belief

  • Find out what makes you feel alive in life, whether in your relationships, health, vocation, or something else.

  • You achieve success by taking small steps toward it. Mary explains that many small steps is how her mother approached painting.

[24:43] Mary: “What brings you alive? What do you most feel alive doing?” - Click Here To Tweet This

  • Life inherently seeks expansion and we shouldn’t resist growth.

  • Love governs and guides the universe. Your thoughts and beliefs dictate you.

  • Every day is precious.

[34:02] Pause & Find Goodness

  • Shifting your perspective can help you find good things in a bad situation.

[46:07] Mary Morrissey: "It’s good for us to challenge our basic beliefs.” - Click Here to Tweet This

  • You don’t have to do anything to be worthy. You are worthy just by being alive.

  • You choose what to think. We can choose empowering thoughts and let go of old patterns.

  • Training yourself to think expansive thoughts will lead you to an expansive life.

[48:30] Mary Morrissey: “The only time you’re not feeling fear is when you’re not growing.” - Click Here to Tweet This

About Mary

Mary Morrissey is an international speaker and bestselling author. She founded the Brave Thinking Institute to provide transformative coaching. She’s spoken at the United Nations three times over her forty-year career, facilitated 3-week-long meetings with the Dalai Lama, and also met Nelson Mandela in Africa to address significant world issues.

Mary’s life had a difficult start when she became pregnant in high school. She then found out she had fatal kidney disease and was given six months to live. A chance meeting with a chaplain helped her realize the power of positive thinking, which helped her become a teacher and fulfill her dreams. Now, for over 40 years, Mary Morrissey has been helping people discover their limitless potential and create the future they want through her teachings. 

Connect with Mary on her website. You can also follow her on Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

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Do you know anyone stuck in their limiting beliefs? Don’t let them stay in that space. We can all create the lives we love through a shift in perspective.

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Thanks for listening! 

To feeling radically loved,
