How to Appreciate and Honor Your Body with Emme Style

We live in a society with very unrealistic standards on what our bodies should and should not look like. It has perpetuated this notion that looking a certain way is key to happiness. But in reality, we all have unique body types with differing needs from what is deemed the “standard.” So rather than punishing ourselves for not fitting into this mold, we have to work toward honoring our bodies instead. It’s the only way we can truly feel free and happy with ourselves.

In this episode of Radically Loved, Rosie speaks with Emme Style about honoring our bodies and developing a positive body image. She also speaks about the comparison problem happening in social media. Emme then poses reflection questions on deconstructing the idealized version of what our body should look like. Finally, she identifies small, impactful changes we can implement in our lives to shift the energy around how we perceive our bodies.

If you want to know how to start to honor your body, this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover why you should honor and appreciate your body.

  2. Find out how to stay centered and break free from the idealized image of what your body should look like.

  3. Learn what changes to implement in your routine to start feeling good around your body physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


    Episode Highlights

    [04:13] Honoring Our Body

    • Listen to the full episode to hear about Rosie’s first meditation experience!

    • Emme just got out of COVID. She’s grateful that her sense of taste and smell are slowly coming back in.

    • Our body is our protector. Honoring it is one of the best things we could ever do for ourselves. 

    • Without our bodies, we don't get to feel, taste, hug, and experience life.

    • We spend so much time beating ourselves up for what the body can’t do instead of treating it with honor and appreciation.

    [05:10] Emme: “To just honor the body, listen to what it's saying is one of the best things that we could ever ever do for ourselves and to listen to your gut when it says, ‘Don't turn there. Don't go there,’ or whoosh, that opening is like, ‘This feels good. This feels right.’” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [07:04] Mitigating Influences that Affect How We See Our Body

    • There’s a comparison problem happening in social media. There’s a lot of conflict of interest in it for our mental and physical health.

    • Meditation is finding and creating space to quiet the mind and be in a loving space.

    • Emme often ends up in the rabbit hole of being misaligned when she doesn’t get to meditate. However, it’s easier not to react when you’re in alignment.

    • Emme meditates every day. Otherwise, it's difficult to stay centered and peaceful amidst the guilt and shame from all the comparisons around.

    [11:49] How to Dismantle the Idealized Version of What Our Body Should Look Like

    • Stop, and ask yourself what's really going on and why you're battling with your own body.

    • Often, the root is a lack of control, self-confidence, and use of one’s voice that lead to the need for external validation.

    • Believing that you are perfect the way you are takes practice; it doesn’t happen all of a sudden.

    • Ask yourself if it's the truth when you get a comment or see something that triggers unworthiness and unacceptability.

    • Sit, take deep breaths, and reflect on where you feel good and don’t feel good. Make changes and actions to shift away.

    [12:02] Emme: "We almost have to stop and ask ourselves, 'What's really going on? Why are we having a battle with our own selves and with our own bodies? Is there something else going on here?' More times than not, there is either a lack of control, or a lack of self-confidence, a lack of using one's voice—all these things can play into the need for external validation." - Click Here To Tweet This

    [14:49] Taking Action and Implementing Small Changes

    • Are you around people who make you feel good?

    • What kinds of food are you eating? How much water are you drinking?

    • How much sleep are you getting?

    • What kinds of movements do you do on a regular basis?

    • Listen to the full episode to learn about small, impactful changes you can implement around these!

    [18:05] Choosing What Makes You Feel Good

    • Nothing’s right or wrong. It’s just choosing one over the other.

    • It’s a choice to drink enough water, eat the best food, be around great friends, and work at a healthy pace.

    • It’s not a big huge sweeping change; it’s working on them little by little.

    • When you choose the extremes, stop, look, and listen. Ask yourself what else is going on and what you are avoiding.

    [21:29] Shifting the Energy on People who Perpetuate Negative Judgment around Our Bodies

    • You can’t go back to not knowing once you start waking up to new concepts and learning about what makes you feel good.

    • The pandemic has heightened our need for friendship and connection.

    • Shift the conversation towards honoring your body when people start to go in the direction of talking about our bodies negatively, 

    • We cannot live our lives in fear of and in reflection of another person. It’s okay to take yourself out of the conversation.

    • You must be able to feel free, relaxed, and loved by the group you’re with.

    [24:30] Emme: "Guess what—it's your life. You, we cannot live our lives in fear of and in reflection of another person. So to keep ourselves inside and to keep ourselves in this place of fear of judgment, that's gonna keep you inside for the whole time for the rest of your life. You don't want to do that." - Click Here To Tweet This

    [26:13] What Emme is Currently Excited About

    • She’s excited that her 20-year-old daughter has taken a big leap of faith toward transferring to her dream college and career path.

    • Emme just founded the True Beauty Foundation from her Fashion Without Limits Initiative, which aims to improve youth mental wellness.

    • We have to fill ourselves to feel whole. We can't wait for someone else to do it for us.

    • The True Beauty Foundation is about finding your true beauty and how to fit into this space and time.

    • Fashion Without Limits is an inclusive fashion education for fashion design schools' programs.

    [27:37] Emme: “We have to fill ourselves in order to feel whole. We can't wait for the exterior—if we're always looking for someone to do feeling better for ourselves, we're always going to get the short end of the stick.” - Click Here To Tweet This

    [30:47] How Emme Feels Radically Loved

    • Emme feels radically loved in her own self when she does her meditation and takes care of her body.

    • Within her universe and community, she feels radically loved in getting out into nature and seeing such beauty reflected in her.

    • Doing acts of kindness for herself allows her to be open to seeing the best part of what life has to give.

    • To radically love comes from the self and doing things that make your day better.

    • When you feel good about yourself, you can have more spillover of joy and love that can help others.

    [33:11] Emme: "If you are feeling really good about yourself or you're feeling good that you're in your place taking up space in this life, then you can have more spilling over where you can actually help others. But if you're not giving to yourself, what you're putting out is not a spillover of joy, spillover of self-love." - Click Here To Tweet This

    About Emme

    Emme Style is an award-winning American supermodel with over 20+ years of experience. She's a trusted voice in the fashion, beauty, wellness, and news industries. Furthermore, Emma is recognized globally as a creative social reformer for women's empowerment and body image positivity.  She is a brand spokesperson, TV personality, podcast host, author, consultant, keynote speaker, and the creative director of her clothing line EMME®.

    Emma was deemed Godmother of the Full Figured Industry by Oprah Magazine in 2018. She has also been selected twice as one of People’s Magazine’s “50 Most Beautiful People.” Emme is a board member of the Model Alliance, ambassador to The National Eating Disorders Association, and an honorary board member of Project Heal and Kent School Trustee.

    If you want to connect with Emme, visit her website and Instagram.

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    To feeling radically loved,
